Commercial, Industrial & Retail REITs

Explore Sentinel’s Commercial Real Estate Investment Strategies

As a leading real estate investment trust, Sentinel Property Group is committed to delivering superior investment performance and personal service to our private wholesale investors.

Investing in commercial real estate can deliver investment diversification, security for capital, healthy returns and a steady income, making real estate investment trusts (REITs) ideal for high net investors and Self Managed Super Funds (SMSFs).

Each REIT fund offering by Sentinel follows a careful analysis of the risks and returns of the property investment and relies on the following key fundamentals:

  • Income secured when well-established tenants pay rent
  • Cash flow to support minimum 2 times Interest Cover Ratio
  • Ensuring positive cash flows, with monthly distributions from income, not capital
  • Identifying alternative exit or value-add strategies that underpin value
  • Value-add funded from underlying property value (no further equity required from investors).

With a primary focus on the industrial, commercial and bulky goods sectors, Sentinel strives to build trust and deliver certainty and ultimately value for our investors through opportunistic real estate investments.

If you’re considering investing in a commercial property and you’re thinking about Australian property funds, like industrial or retail REITs, for example, look no further than Sentinel Property Group. We strive to make commercial real estate investing simple for investors with our investment funds across a variety of sectors.

Sentinel Property Group Pty Limited holds an Australian Financial Services Licence No. 405462 which is issued by the Australian Securities & Investments Commission and authorises Sentinel to operate wholesale property trusts and syndicates.

Invest in Various Property Trusts

Sentinel specialises in commercial and real estate investments. We own and manage a national portfolio of retail, industrial, commercial office, land and tourism infrastructure across Australia.

Our Australian Real Estate Investment Trusts (A-REITs) are unlisted wholesale property funds that allow individuals to invest in large commercial assets that they could not achieve on their own.

The focus of our unlisted A-REIT funds is on the opportunistic buying of commercial property assets which allows us to regularly compensate investors through ongoing rental income and accompanying capital growth.

Retail Trust

We lead Australian commercial real estate investment firms with a range of retail REITs across Australia that enable individual investors and SMSFs to make direct investments. Across the retail industry, Sentinel owns and manages various retail properties, including homemaker and bulky goods retail centres, shopping centres, shopping malls and grocery stores.

Every Sentinel retail REIT delivers dependable monthly returns with realty income from the properties. These monthly returns are supplemented by capital growth returns on divestment and capital return payments on revaluations.

If you’re looking at investing in a retail space, you’ll be pleased to note that Sentinel’s retail REITs are consistently ranked as the best performing commercial real estate investment funds of their kind in Australia, with the majority of tenants listed in the ASX 200.

Industrial Trust

Sentinel’s industrial REITs comprise an impressive portfolio of industrial investment properties with the majority of tenants ASX 200-listed blue-chip companies.

Our industrial real estate investment strategies involve buying high-quality industrial properties, capitalising on the value of work-out situations and distressed properties, along with taking advantage of the perceived decline in buyer competition or market fundamentals.

Development Trust

As part of our commercial property investment strategy, our long-term Development Funds focus further sets Sentinel apart from other Australian property funds. Unlike other funds, we seek out and capitalise on the development value of commercial properties that haven’t yet been identified.

This long-term strategy means we’re always looking to purchase properties in markets and sectors that are overlooked or shunned by other Australian property syndicates.

Regional Office Trust

Sentinel’s ongoing acquisition of high-quality regional office property investments in strategic locations across the country has proven highly successful and demonstrates our competitive advantage in delivering outstanding returns to our valued investors.

As with all our commercial property investments, our focus is on opportunistic buying — we buy what other commercial real estate investment firms and real estate companies shun or overlook, then add real value through proactive property management.

If you need information on how to invest in commercial real estate with Sentinel Property Group or any of our REIT funds in the commercial, retail, industrial or agribusiness sectors, call us on (07) 3733 1660.

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