Office Hits Its Floor?

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In Episode 3 of Sentinel Property Group CEO, Warren Ebert‘s, interview with Catherine Cashmore’s Land Cycle Investor, he delves into the Office market and shares his view on whether the sector has hit its price floor.

Warren challenges the idea that a 20% discount signifies the market bottom and provides examples of significant discounts in current property prices compared to previous sales. He highlights a building that went from a 6.75% to over 8% discount within a year and another property that dropped from $120 million to under $80 million.

“At the current price it is very good buying”, he said.

Furthermore, Warren emphasises the importance of using comparable evidence in property valuations, especially during market downturns. He explains the timeline from listing a property to its settlement, noting that the sales data used by valuers could be up to 6 months old.

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